Ito T, Brincat SL, Siegel M, Mill RD, He BJ, Miller EK, Rotstein HG, Cole MW (2019). Task-evoked activity quenches neural correlations and variability in large-scale brain systems. bioRxiv.
Ito T, Cole MW (2018). Network dimensionality underlies flexible representation of cognitive information. bioRxiv.
Peer-reviewed publications
Cole MW, Ito T, Schultz DH, Mill RD, Chen RH, Cocuzza CV (2019). “Task activations produce spurious but systematic inflation of task functional connectivity estimates.” NeuroImage.
Chen RH, Ito T, Kulkarni KR, Cole MW. (2018). The human brain traverses a common activation-pattern state space across task and rest. Brain Connectivity.
Schultz DH, Ito T, Solomyak LI, Chen RH, Mill RD, Kulkarni KR, Cole MW (2018). Global connectivity of the frontoparietal cognitive control network is related to depression symptoms in undiagnosed individuals. Network Neuroscience. doi:10.1101/185306
Ito T, Kulkarni KR, Schultz DH, Mill RD, Chen RH, Solomyak LI, & Cole MW (2017). Cognitive task information is transferred between brain regions via resting-state network topology. Nature Communications. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01000-w. Blog post.
Mill RD, Ito T, Cole MW (2017). From connectome to cognition: The search for mechanism in human functional brain networks. NeuroImage.
Cole MW, Ito T, Bassett DS, & Schultz DH (2016). Activity flow over resting-state networks shapes cognitive task activations. Nature Neuroscience. doi:10.1038/nn.4406
Cole MW, Ito T, & Braver TS (2015). Lateral prefrontal cortex contributes to fluid intelligence through multinetwork connectivity. Brain Connectivity, 5(8), 497–504.
Cole MW, Ito T, & Braver TS (2015). The behavioral relevance of task information in human prefrontal cortex. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), bhv072–.