Conference abstracts
Ito T, Yang GR, Cocuzza CV, Schultz DH, Cole MW (June 2019). Predicting motor behavior using neural encoding models during complex cognitive tasks. Poster to be presented at Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy.
Ito T & Schultz KM (February 2019). Computation across scales: From receptive fields to cognitive maps. Poster presented at Present and Future Frameworks of Theoretical Neuroscience, San Antonio TX.
Ito T, Rotstein HG, Cole MW (July 2018). A dynamical systems model of intrinsic and evoked activity, variability, and functional connectivity. Poster presented at Neurobiology of Cognition Gordon Research Conference, Newry Maine.
Ito T, Cole MW (June 2018). Dimensionality of intrinsic network connectivity underlies flexible task representation. Poster presented at Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Singapore.
Ito T, Cole MW. (November 2017). Cognitive control networks contain a mixture of diverse connectivity patterns characteristic of predicted flexible hub mechanisms. Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC.
Rotstein HG, Ito T, Stark E. (November 2017). Inhibition-based theta spiking resonance in a hippocampal network. Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC.
Schultz DH, Ito T, Solomyak LI, Chen RH, Mill RD, Kulkarni KR, Cole MW. (November 2017). Systematic flexibility of global functional connectivity patterns supports flexible cognitive control. Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC.
Cole MW, Ito T, Schultz DH, Mill RD. (March 2017). Activity flows over task-evoked networks shape cognitive task activations across task switches. Poster presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
Ito T, Schultz DH, Solomyak LI, Chen RH, Mill RD, Cole MW. (November 2016). Cognitive control networks route task information to other networks via intrinsic functional connectivity pathways. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Schultz DH, Ito T, Solomyak LI, Chen RH, Mill RD, Kulkarni KR, Cole MW. (November 2016). Cognitive control network global connectivity is related to the mental health of healthy individuals. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Ito T, Schultz DH, Solomyak LI, Chen RH, Mill RD, Cole MW. (October 2016). Resting-state network topology shapes task information transfer in the human brain. Dynamical Systems and Data Analysis in Neuroscience: Bridging the Gap, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Ito T, Schultz DH, Solomyak LI, Chen RH, Mill RD, Cole MW. (August 2016). Intrinsic functional connectivity shapes task information between networks. Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, Philadelphia, PA.
Ito T, Schultz DH, Solomyak LI, Chen RH, Mill RD, Cole MW. (April 2016). Flexible hub updates between tasks associated with global informational connectivity changes. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
Cole MW, Schultz DH, Chen RH, Kulkarni KR, Ito T. (April, 2016). The cognitive relevance of resting-state fMRI: Spontaneously organized networks and brain states across rest and task. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
Chen RH, Kulkarni K, Ito T, Cole MW. (April 2016). Spontaneously organized brain states revealed by dynamic multivariate pattern analysis of resting state fMRI. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.